Customer satisfaction is a top priority at LK Atelier.
If you are not satisfied with your order, returns will be accepted for refund or exchange up to 15 days from the date of purchase. To return or exchange an item, please send an email to [email protected]. Items returned for refund or credit must be shipped prepaid and insured to LK Atelier and must be returned in their original condition with the original sales receipt, labels and boxes. Sale items are non-returnable. Exchanges and Returns will be subject to shipping charges. Once your return is processed, you will receive a credit using your original method of payment. We cannot refund shipping charges on returned items.
Items received as gifts may be exchanged for another item of equal or greater value.
For your security, please return your gift with an insured courier (e.g., FedEx, UPS, USPS) and retain your receipt. LK Atelier LLC is not responsible for items damaged or lost in transit.
Please allow up to two weeks for a return to process. Once your return has been processed, please allow two to three business days for the refund to appear in your account.
Your order will be shipped to you within 3-5 business days using USPS Priority Mail with delivery confirmation and insurance.
Orders are processed, shipped and delivered Monday through Friday only. Orders are not processed, shipped, or delivered on national holidays.
Please accept our sincere apologies if any of our products require repair.
We will repair or replace, at our discretion, any design purchased through Please email [email protected] for instructions. Please include your name, telephone number, email address and a brief description of the problem. We will respond with instructions on how to proceed.
If your item has been manufactured within the last year, there will be no charge for the repair. If your item is older than one year, you will be charged $26.95 for the repair and return shipping. Any item that needs to be re-plated, soldered or refurbished will be subject to a cost that will be determined once the item has been inspected. All repairs are subject to shipping charges.
Please return the damaged item to the store from which you originally purchased it. They will be able to assist you with your repair.
If you have any questions please email [email protected]. We will do our best to assist you.
Note: Because many of our items are made by hand with specially selected stones and other elements, we may not be able to repair older styles due to unavailable components.
Prices are subject to change.